A compact and scalable system to support the pneumatic actuation for multi-chambers on soft robots



  • 32-bit microcontrollers based on the Arm® Cortex®-M processor

Platform: Arduino IDE with STM32duino library

  • The Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) is a cross-platform application (for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux).   
  • Introduction: Firmware programming is based on STM32duino, which enables us to program it directly on Arduino IDE. It reduces the difficulty for beginners to write hardware code for STM32.
  • Please strictly follow the web page to install the required library

Firmware (The final vision will be provided later)

Download ​the program by click icon 


Under Tools selection , pick correct settings​:

We highlight uploading switch in our PCB layout. 

Before you upload your program, make sure these are already done:

  1. Use jumper to ​connect BOOT1 to GND
  2. Use another jumper to connect VCC to BOOT0
  3. Connect USB-B to computer
  4. Press the Botton

After finish uploading:

  1. Disconnect the jumper between ​VCC and BOOT0
  2. Use jumper to connect BOOT0 and GND

If you dont follow these two steps after uploading, the firmware will be erased.

Instruction Table

This table contains all instructions that you can use to directly control the OpenPneu.
You can send instructions through Arduino IDE, Python or any other programing language which can support serial communication.

Instruction Reply Functionality
AT OK Check Connection
AT+ADD ADD=XX Check Device Address
AT+SADD=XX SADD=XX Modify Device Address
PREAD=XX  Val=xx  Pressure of Channel XX: xx kPa
Set Valve xx to High
VOFF=XX OK Set Valve xx to Low
PSPEED=XX,YY OK Set Channel XX Flow Rate to YY
CON=XX ON Enable PID Control on Channel XX
CON:ALL ALL ON Enable PID Control on all channels
COFF=XX OFF Disable PID Control on Channel XX
COFF:ALL ALL OFF Disable PID Control on all Channels
PSET=XX,YY XX=YY  Set Target on Channel XX to YY kPa
PSET:X,X,...,X;  OK Update Target Pressure on All Channels
AT+RST OK Reset All

Graphical user interface (The final vision will be provided later)

Download ​the Surface interface (UI) in python code by click icon 

you may need to download pyqt5 before using this code.